Indefinite articles

Un, une, des

  1. Introduction
  2. Rules
    1. Un
    2. Une
    3. Des
  3. Examples
  4. Exercises

Un, une, des = a, an

“Un, une, des“ are definite pronouns in French. They are used to designate something unspecific. They are similar in meaning to “a“ and “an“ in English.

To know which one to use, you not only have to know the number of a given noun (like in English), but also its gender. What is good is that they do not depend on how the words start or end.

When which one?

Un is for masculine.

Un oiseau chante.

A bird is singing.

Une is for feminime.

Une fille danse.

A girl is dancing.

Des is for plural, no matter the gender.

Des animaux mangent.

Some animals are eating.

See it in action

Un garçon dort.

A boy is sleeping.

Tap on icons to change the sentence

Example 1/3

Give it a try

Female symbol

A girl is eating.

___ fille mange.